Saturday, September 28, 2013

I've always wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself. As teachers there are days when we all wonder if we're making everyone else's dream come true except our own. Then you're in the middle of WalMart and you hear a big voice...that you don't quite recognize. This young man is talking to you like he knows who you are, and you stand there racking your brain to figure out who this is. 

You know the eyes...because eyes never change. Finally he says something that rings a bell. "Do you remember when Sam lost his tooth and we were all looking for it...on the playground?" It hits you and a flood of faces fills your mind. You remember worrying about this kid when he was in your class. Math was difficult for him but you spent extra time making sure he understood. He was a great kid, and a hard worker...probably still is.

You ask what he's doing. He tells you he's in college studying Biochemical Engineering. And then it hits you. You were/are part of something so big that you can't see its future. AND you realize that the small part your playing isn't so small. It is the building block of someone's LIFE. Actually you laugh to yourself because you wouldn't have a clue in a Biochemical Engineering class! He'd be tutoring you!

I know the whole motto "Teach Today Touch Tomorrow" but sometimes we really need to be reminded. All the little sayings we hang in our class mean nothing without the experience behind them. Well, except for the following, "Often the student who is ALWAYS sharpening his pencil never turns in work." OR "A TEACHER IS NEVER TRULY APPRECIATED UNTIL AFTER A RAINY WEEKEND!" Ha! 

The hardest part of our profession is that we often play a part in act one, but we never see the end of the play. You know that the student with challenges will be replaced next year by another student with challenges. The face changes from year to year, but we stand still in the obstacles that are perpetuated. 

I really needed to hear my name yelled out in the middle of Walmart...we all do. Obviously I have my doubts about the profession I chose, and how much I've sacrificed my own family to do it. Think about you know of one profession where you don't make sacrifices? Choice is sacrifice! 

So, yes Educators do play an important part...we are a vital role in "Something Bigger." Lots of people fall under this umbrella. For example the lady that figures out your insurance at 5 AM in the hospital (this is her second job). The parent that sends in school supplies because he knows how late you stay at school...he sees your car in the parking lot when he picks his children up after work. There are "NO SMALL PARTS." We can't survive without each other!

Well the weather man says we have a 50% chance of rain today , and I'm on my way to Walmart. (wink)

Know that whatever your vocation in life you will have doubts. If you chose your profession based on what your heart told're in the right place.

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