Saturday, September 14, 2013

What a whirlwind of a start. Starting the new school year is one of the busiest, and at times the most frustrating to teachers. Staff development, getting rooms ready, wondering if it will be done by the first day are a few of our frustrations. Then we pound the pavement racing through reading assessments, spelling assessments, math assessments...we assess EVERYTHING!

Are we crazy? Well possibly, but most of us deal with our profession because we feel fulfilled by teaching kids. Yep, it's that simple. If you were created to have no other option. You're in it for the long haul.

Burnout is easy to succumb to if you don't 1. share your ideas 2. keep it creative 3. stay on top of new and cutting edge teaching strategies. This doesn't mean that we need to run to everything new and shiny. What it does mean is we need to reflect and decide if what we're doing is outdated, or maybe could be strengthened by a new teaching technique.

I've just begun this I do have a learning curve. Hopefully, I'll post some ideas that will help inspire you at the end of the day. I'll also be posting products on Teachers Pay Teachers that you can change to fit your needs. For example maybe your vocabulary varies from the one my district unlocking various parts of my document you won't buy a product that doesn't fit your needs...and you won't need to reinvent the wheel.

If HGTV had a show for teachers we'd all be glued...DVR set! Just picture it wine glass in hand, HGTV, and the EZ grader!

Keep it fun ladies and gents...because after all you were


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