Up at my usual Monday AM time. Enjoying the rain (thanks Colorado) and knowing I can have as many cups of coffee as I want without having to leave for school. I know this sounds strange, but I miss my kids (21 of them) :( Teachers are in a peculiar situation. You spend more time with someone else's kids then they spend with their family...during the school year. Your classroom becomes their family. And rest assured the one, or two, or three students that drove you up the walls are the ones who don't want to leave when the bell rings on the last day. I will enjoy this summer as I'm also guilty of spending more time with lots of other people and putting the ones I love on hold...every year. Aren't we all guilty of this? A necessary evil when one works in a classroom. I laugh when so many of us are at school after 3:30 and parents are surprised by this. How do they not understand that you just spent all day teaching their child, listening to their woes, not correcting papers or preparing you were BUSY! And you take home your papers at the end of the day, your dinning room table a sea of projects in the making for your class. I will most definitely enjoy my summer, and my family. BUT a piece of my heart will be with all the children that have sat in my classroom...they too are part of my family.
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